How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System?

How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System

How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System?

Reviewed by: A Medical Professional
How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System
5 min read . 6 sections

Understanding how long marijuana stays in your system is important, especially for those facing drug tests or going through detox.

The length of time marijuana is detectable in the body varies widely, depending on a lot of individual factors. Additionally, the testing method—whether it’s urine, saliva, blood or hair—also plays a role in determining how long marijuana can be detected.

Knowing these things can help you make informed choices about the detox process or drug testing concerns.

Things That Impact How Long Marijuana Stays in Your System

Several factors affect how long marijuana stays in your system, and understanding them can help explain the variation in detection times.

  • Frequency of use: Occasional users may have marijuana stay in their system for only a few days, while chronic or heavy users can retain THC for weeks or even more than a month. The more often you use marijuana, the longer it’ll take your body to clear it.
  • Body fat percentage: THC is collected in fat cells, so those with more body fat may retain marijuana in their system longer compared to those with lower body fat.
  • Metabolism: People with speedier metabolisms tend to process and eliminate substances more quickly, and with that, a slower metabolism may extend how long marijuana stays detectable.
  • Hydration and exercise: Staying hydrated and engaging in regular exercise can help your body detox more efficiently. Exercise can release stored THC from fat cells but doesn’t necessarily guarantee quicker elimination.
  • THC potency and method of consumption: The potency of marijuana and method of consumption, whether smoking, vaping or ingesting edibles, impacts how long it stays in your system. Edibles, for example, often are detectable for longer because of how the body metabolizes them.

Detection Windows for Different Drug Tests

When answering “How long does marijuana stay in your system,” a lot depends on the type of drug test used, with each method having its own time frame for detecting THC, marijuana’s active compound.

Urine Test

This is the most common form of drug testing. Marijuana can be detected in urine for varying lengths of time based on how often you use it.

For occasional users (once or twice a week), it’s 1-3 days. For moderate users (several times a week), the detection window in urine tests is around 7-10 days. For chronic users (daily or near-daily), it can be detected for 30 days or more.

Blood Test

Marijuana typically stays in the bloodstream for a shorter period, with it being detectable in most users for 1-2 days. In chronic or heavy users, it could linger for up to a week.

Blood tests are typically used in settings where recent consumption needs to be identified as THC clears from the blood relatively quickly.

Saliva Test

Saliva tests can detect marijuana for 1-3 days, depending on the frequency of use. These tests are typically used for detecting recent consumption and aren’t as effective for identifying long-term or past use.

Hair Test

THC can be identified in hair follicles for up to 90 days after use. Hair tests have the lengthiest detection window and can be used for tracking long-term marijuana use. However, they’re less likely to detect recent consumption because it takes time for THC to be incorporated into hair.

How Marijuana Breaks Down in the Body

When marijuana is consumed, the active compound tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is absorbed into the bloodstream and then processed by the liver. The liver breaks THC down into metabolites, which are then eliminated from the body through urine and feces. THC is unique in that it binds to the body’s fat cells, however, so it can be stored for an extended time.

For occasional users, THC may be processed and eliminated relatively quickly, but in chronic users, it accumulates in fat cells and is then gradually released back into the bloodstream over time. The slow release can extend the detection window for marijuana, meaning it can be detected for longer periods, especially in urine or hair tests.

The Half-Life of Marijuana and What It Means

The half-life of a substance is the time it takes for half to be eliminated from the body. In the case of marijuana, THC, the primary psychoactive compound, has a half-life that varies depending on factors like use frequency, metabolism and, as mentioned, individual body composition.

For occasional users, the half-life of THC is generally between 1-2 days. For chronic or heavy users, the half-life can extend up to 7 days or more.

If THC has a half-life of 3 days, it will take 3 days for half the THC in your system to be metabolized and eliminated. The remaining THC will take another 3 days to be reduced by half, and so on. This process explains why chronic users can test positive for marijuana weeks after their last use.

Marijuana Detox and Withdrawal

Marijuana detox is the process the body goes through to eliminate THC and other compounds from the system.

While detoxing from marijuana, some people will experience withdrawal symptoms, especially if they’ve used the substance regularly over a long period.

Common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Decreased appetite
  • Mood swings

Although marijuana withdrawal is generally less severe than withdrawal from other substances, it can still be uncomfortable and come with challenges.

Detoxing from marijuana is an important step if you’re preparing for sobriety, and seeking professional support at a treatment center may be ideal to help manage the symptoms more effectively.

How The Best Treatment Can Help

At The Best Treatment, we provide comprehensive support if you want to stop using marijuana and manage its effects on your life. Whether you’re concerned about how long marijuana stays in your system or you’re experiencing challenges with long-term use, our team can help you safely and comfortably navigate the detox process.

We can connect you with programs to help your body eliminate THC while minimizing withdrawal symptoms. We also provide counseling and therapy, addressing underlying causes of marijuana use and helping you build healthier coping strategies for the future.

If you’re ready to take the next step, reach out to us today.


  1. National Institute of Health (NIH): Mechanisms of Action and Pharmacokinetics of Cannabis
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Urine Testing for Detection of Marijuana: An Advisory
  3. National Institute of Health (NIH): Objective Testing – Urine and Other Drug Tests
  4. Science Direct: Prolonged detection of cannabis in urine of a consumer in a Forensic hospital, Victoria, Australia, up to 102 days of abstinence – A case report

Medically Reviewed: September 25, 2019

Dr Ashley

Medical Reviewer

Chief Editor


All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

Dr Ashley Murray obtained her MBBCh Cum Laude in 2016. She currently practices in the public domain in South Africa. She has an interest in medical writing and has a keen interest in evidence-based medicine.

All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

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