Domestic Violence Resources
Domestic violence is defined as physical violence towards someone within your home, most commonly we see it between partners. A crazy statistic is that every hour an average of 1200 people are abused by their significant other in America according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention). That correlates to over 10 million people yearly are experiencing domestic violence and physical abuse within the home. These statistics are gathered only from the people reporting the incidents, which many times with domestic violence- cases go unreported. If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, there is help and you should never be afraid to report physical abuse to authorities, it saves lives.
How to Recognize Signs of Domestic Violence
Behaviorally and physically there are many signs of domestic abuse. Knowing the warning signs is important whether you’re the one in an abusive relationship or know someone who may be. Many in domestic violence situations will deny being abused or do not know how they can escape.
According to The United States Department of Justice, domestic violence is defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in a relationship that’s used by one person to gain or maintain power and control over another person. It can be:
Using physical force to harm someone
Using words to manipulate someone’s thoughts and emotions
Controlling and monitoring someone’s spending (money, credit cards, etc.)
Physically forcing someone to perform sexual acts
Signs of Domestic Violence in Your Relationship
The signs of domestic abuse could be considered especially obvious, especially for those who have never been involved in an abusive relationship. Aside from the physical signs, there are many other warning signs to look for. The obvious sign is having pain intentionally inflicted on you by an object or hand. This includes punching, choking, stabbing, hitting, slapping, pushing, squeezing, etc. Then there are red flags that can also lead to more serious violence to always be mindful of.
- Red Flags Can Lead to Domestic Violence
- Constantly fearing the person when they’re around, or feeling fearful while
- Living in constant fear around someone when they’re around.
- Fearful of awaiting their arrival
- Repeatedly being intimidated, belittled, yelled at, criticized, or humiliated.
- Being Controlled
- Blaming yourself for the abusers actions
- Being threatened
- Being objectified (sexually, or physically)
- Being forced to do things you don’t want to do
- Being manipulated
- Being isolated from friends and family
- Having personal belongings destroyed or taken
- Having your whereabouts monitored
The time to get help is now. If you or someone you know is in a domestic violence situation, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233) now! A life can depend on it.
Signs of Domestic Violence In Others
As previously mentioned, many who are in abusive relationships have a hard time admitting to the problem. Here are some signs to look for:
- Harrassing calls or texts from their partner while spending time with you
- Constantly trying to please their partner
- Describing their partner as jealous or possessive
- Missing school, work or other social obligations with no excuses to why.
- Stories of accidental injuries consistently to explain cuts and bruises.
- Low self-esteem or decline of self-esteem
- Depression and anxiety
- Covering their body in baggy clothes or wearing sunglasses indoors
- Blame themselves for physical altercations if that is admitted.
- Make excuses for their partner and justify their abusive behavior
- Becoming angry or changing the subject when discussing the abusive nature of their significant other.
There are many reasons why someone would not admit to being involved in a domestic violent relationship. They may see no way out, especially if they are married with children. They don’t want to see their partner go to jail. They may feel financially trapped. Regardless of the reason, it is important to be kind and patient with them while encouraging them to seek help.
Getting the Help Needed
The time to seek help is YESTERDAY if this is a situation you see in yourself or your loved ones. If any of the above red flags is reality then help is needed immediately. It will save a life. There are many resources available to help victims of domestic violence, including women shelters, hotlines, and this can all be done completely confidentially. Put an end to the violence, and regain your peace of mind.
The time to get help is now. If you or someone you know is in a domestic violence situation, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233) now! A life can depend on it.
How Domestic Violence and Drug and Alcohol Addiction Correlate
Domestic violence and substance abuse are intimately linked and often occur simultaneously. When domestic violence and drug use happen together, they wreak havoc on everyone involved. Drug use and acts of violence feed off one another. It can happen during the drug high or withdrawal process and are extremely dangerous positions to be in. The same root causes of domestic violence typically correlate with the root causes of the drug or alcohol addiction.
Issues Intertwined:
Drug Use and Domestic Violence
Not only can drug and alcohol abuse happen to the abuser, but the victim as well. According to the American Psychological Association, having an addiction increases your risk for becoming a victim of domestic violence and also increases the risk in becoming the abuser. Numerous studies affirm that substance use often plays a large role in violent behavior.
For victims of domestic violence, this weight of repeated abuse is an extremely heavy burden. To ease the strain, many people turn to substances for relief.
Drugs and Alcohol Abuse Cannot Be A Clutch
In either situation, the abuser or victim should not turn to drugs or alcohol in the hard times. Drugs and alcohol only
exaggerate anger, aggression, guilt, and unhealthy behaviors. Substance abuse is only a temporary relief, and when abuse becomes addiction, the results are deadly.
At The Best Treatment Center, regardless of abuser or victim we can help those struggling with substance abuse and addiction.