Librium Addiction

Librium is categorized in the benzodiazepines family. The prescription drug can be addictive and habit forming, even when taken under supervision of a medical professional. Abuse begins when the proper dosage is not taken correctly or when the individual is prescribed the prescription pill over a long period of time.

What Is Librium?

The generic name for Librium is chlordiazepoxide, the substance class as previously mentioned is called benzodiazepines. The drug has many aspects including hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant properties, and is known to have a number of various uses medically. Most times it is used in treatment for anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and insomnia. When it comes to anxiety, it is only supposed to be for severe cases and only prescribed for a short time period. It is commonly given to patients who are experiencing high anxiety before a surgery, for example.

It works as a depressant in the central nervous system. Librium releases a neurotransmitter called GABA when taken. That neurotransmitter has a naturally calming effect on the body and keeps brain activity balanced. So this also plays a huge role when it comes to inducing sleepiness, calming anxiety and relaxing the muscles. So, that would be the main reason Librium is used to treat insomnia and also short-term high anxiety levels.

What Is Librium Addiction?

Even though there are a good amount of benefits medically when it comes to the use of Librium, but some people take higher doses than what is recommended, and when it is taken too long there is a high rate of drug dependency. Not only is there a physical dependence aspect to Librium, but also psychologically as well. Benzodiazepines (benzos) are one of the worst drug withdrawal processes so once dependence is present, those struggling with Librium addiction may experience intense withdrawal symptoms after discontinuing use, including drug cravings, seizures, anxiety, vomiting, extreme irritability, nausea, and in the worst cases even death.

There are many prescriptions of Librium being taken by prescription through a licensed medical doctor or psychiatrist, but others take the drug only to achieve a high. The drug causes a high in those who are not taking it for the proper medical reasons. Snorting or swallowing the prescription medication gives the user feelings of euphoria and relaxation. In most cases where the drug is abused, users are mixing Librium with other substances such as cocaine, opioids, and alcohol. While this temporarily enhances the intensity of an individual’s experience, it also dramatically increases the chances of overdose and addiction.

There are certain things to look for you if you think you or a loved one may be experiencing a Librium addiction:

  •  Consistently failing to cut down or quit using Librium
  •  Requiring larger amounts of Librium to achieve the same effect
  •  Forfeiting once enjoyed activities to use Librium
  •  Feeling strong cravings or urges to use
  •  Failing to keep up with social, career, or family obligations because of use
  •  Experiencing withdrawal symptoms from not using the drug

Signs and Effects of Librium Addiction

While there is safe use of Librium, when abused it can cause a broad range of physical and psychological side effects in both the short and long-term. We see many of the same signs of addiction in those who even have a prescription, because long-term use often turns to addiction even if it was not the original plan, and even if the drug has never been used recreationally by the user.

Physical Side Effects of Librium

  •  Low Blood Pressure
  •  Uncontrolled eye movements
  •  Physical dependence
  •  Slurred speech
  •  Dry mouth
  •  Slowed breathing
  •  Weakness
  •  Coordination problems
  •  Stupor
  •  Dizziness
  •  Unsteady gait
  •  Changes in appetite
  •  Upset stomach
  •  Diarrhea
  •  Coma

Psychological Side Effects of Librium

  •  Trouble concentrating
  •  Confusion
  •  Impaired memory
  •  Suicidal ideation
  •  Poor judgment
  •  Diminished emotional reactions
  •  Cognitive deterioration in the elderly
  •  Depression

As you can see, none of the above side effects from this benzodiazepine are pleasant. If you or a loved one are going through any of these symptoms, it is important that help is sought immediately. This can be a deadly drug and especially when benzos are commonly mixed with other drugs. We have the help you need to rid yourself from addiction today at The Best Treatment Center.

Treatment for Librium Addiction at The Best Treatment

Withdrawal symptoms from any benzodiazepine addiction are among the most severe for any drug withdrawal process. In order to be successful in recovery, a proper Librium addiction treatment program is needed. Treatment should start with a medically supervised detoxification process and a suggested continuation for 30 day to six month long treatment program should follow. Recovery is a lifelong commitment and at The Best Treatment Center we provide each and every guest with the tools needed in order to be successful in their recovery journey.

Each customized treatment program has tailored therapy for each guest. After the physical dependence is broken, there are still many other issues guests must work through in order to get to the core of their addiction. We take pride in providing our guests with the tools they need in order to properly integrate back into society successfully and to continue in the lifelong journey that recovery is.

At The Best Treatment Center, we believe in treating the entirety of the individual- mind, body, and spirit. We focus on restoring hope in the lives of our guests. We have a comfortable, safe, and serene setting so guests only have to worry about their recovery from addiction. We want our guests to relax during their stay and have comfort knowing they are making the best decision for their life by choosing to stop abusing drugs and alcohol.

If you or someone you know is struggling with Librium abuse or addiction, the time to seek help is now. At The Best Treatment Center we can help. Live Your Best Life. Call us now at:


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